Jillions of Book Reviews

Review: The Second Lady Silverwood

Wow. I cannot say enough good things about this book. It’s absolutely delicious while also handling some really delicate topics beautifully. The writing is wonderful and I loved Kate and Benedict (and of course Lucy). There is so much longing and pining throughout the pages of this story. It’s a marriage of convenience but shot through with desire and so much more. Loved it!!



Sir Benedict Silverwood needs a new wife, an heir and a mother for his young daughter, but he can’t envisage any of the eligible young debutantes taking the place of his late wife. Then Kate Moreton, the granddaughter of a friend, an impoverished spinster and Italian teacher, is suggested and what seems at first an outlandish idea grows on him, alongside his attraction to Kate.

Kate has been hopelessly in love with Benedict for years so the idea of marriage to him is appalling, considering he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings, but also so very tempting…

When Kate steps into her new life as Benedict’s wife, sparks fly, but as it becomes clear that there are incendiary secrets that threaten their fragile new life together, the question is whether Benedict will be able to love and trust the second Lady Silverwood?

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