This treasure of a book is full of twists and turns. It’s part romance, part mystery, mixed with Constance’s journey of finding herself. Constance has secrets from childhood she would rather leave in the past. She’s worked hard to get where she is, even if it isn’t where she dreamt […]
3 posts
This story is such a fun, suspenseful read! I loved the back-and-forth timelines, getting glimpses of what it was like for these assassins both now and when they were in their prime. The story centers primarily around Billie, as well as her sister-assassins Natalie, Mary Alice, and Helen. When they […]
Hidden is action-packed from the very first page. The story pulls you into the mystery and quite simply doesn’t let go. The characters are believable and enjoyable, and the mystery was something nearly right out of the headlines. Our heroine, Bailey is a tough-as-nails journalist who doesn’t take no for […]