Jillions of Book Reviews

Review: Out of The Clear Blue Sky

This book breaks your heart and then puts it back together. I came to love Lillie, especially her antics as she gives her cheater ex-husband a hard time while he is out finding his ‘joy.’ There were a few times I literally laughed out loud at some of the things she pranks she came up with!

I also have a teen son who has one year left of high school, so I sobbed through those sections of the book. Lillie’s love for her son was so evident and I loved how she put him above her own pain and modeled how she wished her own mother would have cared for her.

Overall this is a wonderful story and I took my time savoring every page. The writing is beautiful and Lillie is so wonderful you can’t help but cheer for her as she rises up through this incredibly difficult time in her life.



Lillie Silva knew life as an empty nester would be hard after her only child left for college, but when her husband abruptly dumps her for another woman just as her son leaves, her world comes crashing down. Besides the fact that this announcement is a complete surprise (to say the least), what shocks Lillie most is that she isn’t…heartbroken. She’s furious.

Lillie has loved her life on Cape Cod, but as a mother, wife and nurse-midwife, she’s used to caring for other people…not taking care of herself. Now, alone for the first time in her life, she finds herself going a little rogue. Is it over the top to crash her ex-husband’s wedding, dressed like the angel of death? Sure! Should she release a skunk into his perfect new home? Probably not! But it beats staying home and moping.

She finds an unexpected ally in her glamorous sister, with whom she’s had a tense relationship all these years. And an unexpected babysitter in of all people Ben Hallowell, the driver in a car accident that nearly killed Lillie 20 years ago. And then there’s Ophelia, her ex-husband’s oddly lost niece, who could really use a friend.

It’s the end of Lillie’s life as she knew it. But sometimes the perfect next chapter surprises you…out of the clear blue sky.

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