Jillions of Book Reviews

Review: Faker by Sarah Smith

Faker, by debut novelist Sarah Smith, was one of my favorite reads of 2019. The premise of the book caught my attention so strongly that, when I didn’t end up with a review copy, I just had to buy this particular book because it sounded like such a fun read. It was money well spent, because Faker was thoroughly enjoyable and devoured it within hours of beginning it. It turned out to be one of those books that you just can’t put down; the kind that give you ALL the feelings. I laughed, cried, and angry-flipped pages to see what Emmie would endure next from her surly coworker, Tate.

Emmie, you see, is a big faker. She is one of just a handful of female employees at Nuts & Bolts. And everyday she has to deal with the bull-crap that the men she works with deal out. So she puts on her tough-girl mask and marches around work everyday as if none of it bothers her. But, on the inside she’s just a big softie who has felt beat down since day one of dealing with her number one N&B nemesis, Tate. He’s given her the cold shoulder time and time and time again. But, when Tate and Emmie are forced to work together on a big project, they’ll have to figure out a way to deal with one another. And little does Emmie know that there may be a reason for Tate’s cold shoulder that may explain his treatment of her. However, things definitely aren’t as they seem for either Emmie or Tate …

Ahh! This was SUCH a great read. It’s one of those books that I wish I could read again for the first time. Grab a cup of cocoa, snuggle up in a blanket, and enjoy this fantastic story.



Emmie Echavarre is a professional faker. She has to be to survive as one of the few female employees at Nuts & Bolts, a power tool company staffed predominantly by gruff, burly men. From nine to five, Monday through Friday, she’s tough as nails–the complete opposite of her easy-going real self.

One thing she doesn’t have to fake? Her disdain for coworker Tate Rasmussen. Tate has been hostile to her since the day they met. Emmie’s friendly greetings and repeated attempts to get to know him failed to garner anything more than scowls and terse one-word answers. Too bad she can’t stop staring at his Thor-like biceps…

When Emmie and Tate are forced to work together on a charity construction project, things get…heated. Emmie’s beginning to see that beneath Tate’s chiseled exterior lies a soft heart, but it will take more than a few kind words to erase the past and convince her that what they have is real.

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