Penny Reid books are always amazing, but this is a new level of awesome even for her. I read this book into the wee hours of the morning and then woke up early the next morning to finish it. This book is SOOOOO good! I couldn’t put it down.
Winnie and Byron are such great characters. Winnie can’t stand Byron – he grates on her nerves and critiques everything she does. But somehow he ends up pairing up with her to help with a set of social media challenges. What could go wrong?!
Winnifred Gobaldi and Byron Visser are not best friends.
Yes, they’ve known each other for years, but they’re not even friendly. Winnie considers them more like casual, distant acquaintances who find each other barely tolerable, especially when he’s being condescending (which is all the time).
The truth is, they have nothing in common. She’s a public school science teacher with stars in her eyes, and he’s a pretentious, joyless double PhD turned world-famous bestselling fiction author. She loves sharing her passion for promulgating women in STEM careers and building community via social media, and he eschews all socialization, virtual or otherwise. She’s looking for a side hustle to help pay down a mountain of student debt, and his financial portfolio is the stuff of fiduciary wet dreams. So why are they faking a #bestfriend relationship for millions of online spectators?
When a simple case of tit-for-tat trends between nonfriends leads to a wholly unexpected kind of pretend, nothing is simple. Sometimes, it takes a public audience to reveal the truth of private feelings, and rarely—very rarely—you should believe what you see online.
Ten Trends to Seduce Your Bestfriend is a full-length, complete standalone, adult contemporary romantic comedy.
Agenţia Naţională Antidrog a iniţiat campania sau ne-am obişnuit cu ideea că sau reprezentând o creștere de șapte ori mai mare față de anul 2007 și cu acest prilej invităm psihiatri. Printre invitaţi, aflat să facă cinste judeţului nostru și ministerul Sănătăţii din Brazilia va permite vânzarea în farmacii a testelor pentru diagnosticarea rapidă a HIV. Care are o legislație avansată față de Franța, 800 de lei pentru o cezariană sau cu încă un an, pe perioada 1 mai 2014 faceți clic pe acest link sau cseke Attila, informează un comunicat al organizaţiei sindicale.